We’ve been there, and are here to help.

We understand how it feels to be overwhelmed when trying to successfully respond to life’s challenging situations.

If you’re like us, you’ve tried to make space for this personal exploration but struggle to make progress. You’ve likely wondered if there was a way to know yourself better, a way to help you break negative patterns. We know you want to become someone that trusts your instincts to make healthy life choices, and it shouldn’t be so hard to know yourself well in order to do so.

We recognize this inner turmoil.

With over 25 years of combined experience in healthcare, wellness, and energy healing, Annmarie Burman founded Burman’s Wellness Boutique to help people just like you make the time and space for this personal exploration. She will help you experience relief from the stress and anxiety that comes from unhealthy patterns.

In 2016 Annmarie Burman had an epiphany – that she had spent her entire life normalizing and ignoring traumas from unhealthy relationships and experiences. Earlier that year, a betrayal triggered such self-harming behavior, she hit rock bottom. From there, she was lucky enough to recognize she needed to take control of her life, or allow herself to descend even deeper into alcohol.

Through the grace of God, Annmarie found the strength to educate herself on the very basics of true self-care. With daily practice, she learned how to recognize and listen to her own wisdom in order to face relationships and situations that might cause trauma, and to encounter these experiences as gifts instead of reacting with unhealthy numbing behaviors.

With Annmarie at the helm, we are committed to helping you create a structured self-care system, so you can stop feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

Annmarie’s extensive credentialed background includes:

  • Bachelor Science Nursing Registered Nurse since 1995
  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach through Integrative Nurse Coach Association
  • End of Life Doula through INELDA the International End Of Life Doula Association
  • Reiki Level I And Level II
  • Life Force Energy Healing Levels I, II, III
    presently a student in LFEH Master Level Graduation September 2021
  • Certified Nurse Injector (Botox)
  • Certified Medical Laser Technician

The process is simple.

Schedule a consultation and we’ll identify the most immediate needs for your learning and growth, and you’ll start to find a new friend in yourself. Once you schedule a consultation, you’ll have taken the first step to relaxing into self-love and inner wisdom

We believe people should be able to sit in comfort with who they are. You deserve to get to know yourself deeply, and to learn how to trust your own inner wisdom. We will help you put a healthy, structured self-care system in place so you can rely on your heightened intuition when responding to and handling challenges in life.

Schedule a consultation so we can get started.